16 november 2023

Updated information regarding the German CO2 Toll

As earlier communicated a CO2 toll will be applied on all transports to, from and through Germany from 1 December 2023. For information regarding costs, please klick on the download button below.

Loe lisa
6 oktober 2023

Ban on import of Russian iron and steel products

On September 30, 2023, a ban was imposed on the import or purchase of certain iron and steel products that have been processed in countries outside the EU and contain Russian iron or steel. This is to prevent the circumvention of sanctions against Russia.

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Loe Strömi mõtteid

NTEXi asutaja ja tegevjuht Thomas Ström on töötanud transpordisektoris üle neljakümne aasta. Oma blogis jagab ta mõtteid kaubaveo, päevakajaliste sündmuste ja palju muu kohta.

Olge kursis uudiste ja teenuseteabega